Vol. 20 No. 1 January 31, 2012

Reminder: Nationwide Permits (NWPs)
Expiring March 18, 2012


As previously mentioned in Field Notes Vol. 19 No. 7, all Nationwide Permits (NWPs) issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) will expire on March 18, 2012. If construction of your project will not be complete by this date, you can obtain a 1-year time extension if construction has commenced or the site work is under contract to commence prior to March 18, 2012.

For a revised summary of the draft 2012 NWPs and proposed changes, click here.

If you have questions regarding how NWP expirations or modifications may affect your site, please contact Dan Lucey, Mark Headly, Doug Chapin or Christie Blevins.