Vol. 21, No. 5 June 21, 2013

Just Announced: Red Bull Selects WSSI to Take Flight at National Harbor for First Ever National Flugtag!

After several weeks of anticipation, Red Bull has selected Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc. as one of 31 teams (out of 150+ applications) to launch their custom flying machine off a 30' platform at National Harbor during National Red Bull Flugtag on September 21, 2013.

Red Bull Flugtag (German for "flight day") has been an annual event since 1992. However, this year will be the first ever National Flugtag with simultaneous events being held in Washington, DC, Miami, Chicago, Dallas, and Long Beach.

The WSSI Flugtag Team will consist of five creative (and brave) individuals and were selected based on the merits of a required 1 minute application video (click here to see it now).

Follow us on LinkedIn, our new Twitter account and the Field Notes newsletter for updates on the construction and theme of our machine!