Vol. 21, No. 2 March 14, 2013

Fairfax County Stormwater Ordinance Update

As many are aware, the final stakeholders meeting for the new Fairfax County Stormwater Ordinance required to satisfy the new state stormwater regulations was postponed (originally scheduled for Jan. 28, 2013). County staff is currently working on several key ordinance aspects that need to be determined in order to provide for an effective discussion in this final meeting. These items include:
1. Cost research related to the single-family home exemption provision
2. Cost study of a mostly-public BMP maintenance system option
3. Proposed Public Facilities Manual amendments related to the ordinance (which are currently undergoing the Engineering Standards Review Committee process)
4. Analysis of the impacts of the Costgrove Bill (HB 2190)

As soon as these items are completed, Fairfax County will be posting a new date for their final stakeholder meeting later this spring.

In the meantime, a draft of the county's stormwater ordinance is posted on the Fairfax County DPWES sotrmwater ordinance website. It will continue to be updated with input from stakeholders, local officials, and the state.

Questions and comments may be submitted online to Fairfax County.

For more information on updates to the Fairfax County Stormwater Ordinance, contact Mike Rolband, Dan Lucey or Brian Chromey.