Vol. 21, No. 8 September 26, 2013

DCR Cost Share Programs for Agricultural BMPs

In Field Notes Vol. 21, No. 6, we described the unfortunate scene of cows accessing the river vs. having a protected, and reforested, 100 ft buffer with watering troughs – something we have witnessed on our annual Shenandoah River canoe trip dating back to 2009. We have since learned that DCR is currently offering a 100% cost-sharing for eligible livestock exclusion practices in FY2014 through the Virginia Agricultural BMP Cost Share (VACS) Program. Thus, there has never been a better time to take advantage of state funding to help improve water quality and improve the health of your livestock. (To see DCR's full report on Streamside Livestock Exclusion, click here.)

There are many other cost-share opportunities available through the VACS Program and Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP). Additionally, tax credits are also available through Virginia's Agricultural BMP Tax Credit Program68.

For more information on DCR Cost Share Programs and other grant funding available for water quality projects in Virginia, contact Mike Rolband or Kelly McCutcheon.