January 10, 2013

CivilTraining, LLC and
MicroCAD Training & Consulting, Inc.
Announce Joint Plans

CivilTraining, LLC (CivilTraining) announced today that it expects to continue offering its consulting and training services to Graphics Solution Providers Inc.’s (GSP) clients through MicroCAD Training & Consulting, Inc. (MicroCAD). This new relationship should function essentially along the same lines as the one between CivilTraining and GSP for the past 15 years. CivilTraining looks forward to establishing a strong and productive working relationship with MicroCAD to promote knowledge and best practices to the industries we serve. Contact John Cooke or Craig Grant with any questions.

Be sure to stop by our booth and visit with us at the following conferences:

- NYSAPLS 54th Annual Surveyors Conference and Exhibition
- PSLS 2013 Surveyors Conference
- 65th Annual VAS Convention and Meeting
- SurvCon 2013
- 45th Annual WVSPS Convention
- MSS Spring Conference.