WSSI environmental studies

Environmental Studies
Mitigation Banking
GIS, Mapping, and Surveying
GSA Schedule
Don’t get bogged down in environmental regulation

WSSI provides objective and insightful investigations into the plants, animals, water resources, and soils on prospective and planning-stage sites to help ensure that our clients are in compliance with all Federal, state, and local environmental regulations.  We also save our clients time and money by obtaining permit approvals smoothly and quickly. We begin coordinating with all applicable regulatory agencies long before submitting a formal permit application by reviewing proposed site plans with each agency to determine permit feasibility and to uncover potential environmental or cultural resource impacts.  This lets our clients address any potential conflicts before investing additional funds in project development.  We also conduct kick-off meetings with the project's site engineers and land planners to ensure that all parties fully understand the project's permitting requirements.

WSSI's Environmental Services team includes:

Professional Wetland Delineators
Professional Wetland Scientists
Certified Ecologists; Registered Small Whorled Pogonia Surveyors
Registered Harperella Surveyors
North American Benthological Society Certified Taxonomists
Certified Arborists
Certified Tree Risk Assessors
Maryland Forest Conservation Program Qualified Professionals
Maryland Licensed Tree Experts (LTE)
DEQ-Certified E&S Inspectors and Plan Reviewers
Certified Professionals in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC)
Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Inspectors (CISEC)
Certified Erosion, Sediment and Storm Water Inspectors (CESSWI)

During the permitting process, we conduct site visits with agency staff to further evaluate and assess proposed impacts to wetlands and other Waters of the U.S.  Our comprehensive in-house resources allow us to promptly and completely respond to all agency inquiries and requests for additional data, and extensive experience preparing permit applications means fewer agency inquiries during permit review.  Throughout every step of the permitting process, we keep our clients apprised on their permit status and notified about the specifics of each permit or agency letter issued for their project.

During project construction, we work with the client and contractors to insure that ongoing projects remain in compliance with their permit conditions. Our technical expertise with Best Management Practices and Erosion and Sediment (E&S) Control products and techniques save our clients time and money while reducing environmental impacts and keeping them in compliance with various permit conditions and monitoring requirements.

WSSI navigates our clients through the following regulatory processes:

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 Permitting
Nationwide, Regional, and Individual Permits
State Program General Permits

Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Environmental Quality Section 401 Water Quality Certification
General and Individual Permits

Commonwealth of Virginia Marine Resources Commission
Subaqueous Land Encroachment Permits

Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation
Virginia Stormwater Management Program permits and inspections
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan preparation and audits

Clean Water Act
Construction monitoring for Clean Water Act permit compliance

WSSI's environmental services also include:

  • Wetland reconnaissance surveys, boundary delineations, and functional assessments;
  • Stream, aquatic habitat, and biological water quality assessments;
  • Wetland mitigation monitoring;
  • Submerged aquatic vegetation and benthic macroinvertebrate surveys;
  • Endangered and threatened species habitat evaluations and surveys;
  • Rare plant community assessments;
  • Perennial Flow Determinations;
  • Resource Protection Area evaluations;
  • Existing vegetation mapping, tree stand evaluations, and forest management plans;
  • Erosion and Sedimentation plan review;
  • Environmental compliance training; and
  • Remediation of unauthorized impacts.





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